Call for Submissions: Star 82 Review

For the new year, I'm starting a magazine. Star 82 Review is a new online and on-demand art and lit quarterly publication that is coming soon! Please pass the word and consider submitting your work for possible inclusion in issue 1.1.

The goal here is to try a new angle. Sure, there are tons of online magazines and well-established print ones, but not like this one. I'm looking for heart, humor, a little edge or irony, and the artist's/writer's delight in the strangeness of everyday life. The goal is for the work to be accessible to everyone and to be available in print for those who prefer to read a paper copy. 

I'm looking for short pieces that are highly polished and that make the familiar strange and the strange, familiar. These include original flash/microfiction, erasure texts, poetry, word and picture combinations (including comics and collage), and creative postage-stamp images.

For detailed information about the categories and to send your work through our secure online submissions manager, please visit the star 82 review website

Looking forward to seeing your work in 2013!


Trish J said…
Hi Alisa:
I have all your books, except one, and you have taught me so much with your passion for words combined with images. I am largely self taught as an artist, but your clear instructions and innovative approach have encouraged me to keep trying things and to express myself through new forms and structures. I only recently found your blog and have devoured all the entries. I have signed up for this new venture and hope many artists participate, to the benefit of all.
Trish Johnston
Atlanta, GA
Zue said…
Hi Alisa
I love the sound of your project, here. I have your blog on my sidebar and regularly look to see what you are up to.
Like Trish, I also have some of your books. I make little books all the time.Tthey are of non-standard construction, but they are just part of the things I need to make and they are the result of my creativity.
I probably won't submit to this project, but I will enjoy reading it all the same.
Best wishes and happy New Year
Sue x

Simona said…
I just finished reading your magazine and really enjoyed it. I love the variety of the contributions. Each one was a surprise.
Alisa said…
Thanks for writing!
Watch for the next issue of Star 82 Review—1.2 (Summer) near the end of June…