Hiding in Plain Sight

I've been working on some drawings of trees to carve into linoleum blocks lately. I used to print out my photos, then draw from the printed copy, but have recently discovered (duh!) that I can work from the screen and zoom in where and when I need to; this way I can really see and get the details right. I took this picture of our hawthorn tree several years ago. As I worked I was quite focused on the tree branches and berries.

Maybe you spotted them already, but only when I zoomed in further did I see this house finch…

And her mate…

Hiding in plain sight.


Lucia Sasaki said…
Beautiful pictures!
It is a blessing taking or discovering pictures with little birds in them.
Once I took pictures of a mulberry tree in my neighborhood and heard a bird singing inside it. I could take a picture of the beautiful bird with a yellow "breastplate" hiding among the foliage.
You cand find my pictures in
http://www.asombradasbibliotecasemflor.blogspot.com.br/2012/07/onde-esta-wally.html. You need to zoom them to see it.
Thanks for sharing your hawthorne little friends!!


What a treat to find these lovely little finches in your tree.