Remnants (Blocks & Print)

I finished six reduction prints for my tree book and was left with the remnants of the linoleum blocks. (Background is painted paper with faux woodgrain.)

It could be a sad thing to see the bits that are left, but each held five or six colors; they served me well. In any case, the book wanted me to incorporate the process, so I made a new print from the remnants that will be the endpaper and that will also contain the colophon. (Background is Cherry Paperwood from Hiromi Paper.)

Magnolia. Camphor. Hawthorn. Silver Dollar Gum Eucalyptus. Liquidambar. Live Oak.


india flint said…
i like taking rubbings from lino blocks...especially with water soluble graphite
Alisa said…
Thanks, India! What a terrific idea!
Unknown said…
Hi Alisa - I just did a blog post about making an x book inspired by your "Making Handmade Books." I hope it's ok that I showed the folding illustration from your book in my post. If not, please let me know at jessicabethsporn (at) gmail (dot) com and I will take that part of the post down.