Dressing up a Single Signature

As I was preparing my presentation for the College Book Art Association conference I realized I was going to be talking about tactile materials but showing only pixels and light. I ended up making a pamphlet, a single signature that would relate to the talk, but something to take away and touch. 

Letterpress printing on the cover. Waxed linen thread. A window. An image. Quotes from the people I was talking about. Machine stitching with multicolored thread. A piece of a runover book that I used in my unique book Gangster, which I brought with me (along with one of Lisa Kokin's self-help rocks: see photo in this post.) Translucent paper. Laserprinter text. Many materials in a very short booklet. I bound eighty, gave away forty at my talk, and distributed many more. 

The instructions for sewing a single signature are in this 2011 post. The pamphlet below has three pages in all: a cover, one translucent page, one paper page. Each page has a hint of what came before and what is next: the window, the translucency, the sewing, the translucency again.

I reversed the type so I would only have to print on one side of the translucent paper. 
Still learning!


Velma Bolyard said…
this is a sweet thing, alisa, that you prepped a memento for folks. and it looks great. your gesture and thoughtfulness will be remembered by many. and it's a great little teaching tool!
Alisa said…
Thanks, Velma!
I hope you will come to the next one in Philly in 2018 so we can meet!
ronnie said…
fantastic! and what a great idea.... we need more things to hold in our hands (as well as images in our heads) xxx
india flint said…
the whole of that small treasure is quite delightful...the juxtaposition of transparency and opacity with that porthole window, not to mention the information contained within
Anonymous said…
Alisa said…
Thanks Ronnie, India, and Patricia!

Originally, I intended to make something round that looked like a magnifying glass, but when I realized I would have to glue them all, I changed the plan. Funny how that works.

I still have a few. Send me your paper mail address through email if you'd like one.
Jim Stovall said…
Alisa, I'd like to buy a copy of your lovely pamphlet. Would you please send your contact info, so I can send you mine? Many Thanks, Jim Stovall 1 @ Juno . com