A Dog, A Photo, A Blanket: Spoonflower

My sister got a dog this year, a Maltese/Poodle that those that have them call Maltypoos. Every week I get at least one photo, so it seemed natural to do something with a good one. Since I'm still experimenting with Spoonflower, I worked with one image, then uploaded it and had it printed on fleece for a little blanket. The back is white. I turned the edges in (one inch) and hemmed, then cut the corners and turned (one inch) and hemmed again to make a tidy border.

This was the original photo.

I wanted her surrounded by the blanket, so I Photoshopped her.

And here she is with the finished blanket. You can see the colors are a bit different, but I liked how they turned out.

Dog on a blanket with a dog on a blanket. Kinda meta.

Apparently, she liked it, too.

I have a few more designs up on my everbird library on Spoonflower and may add more. Too much fun!
