In the thirty-first issue of the art and literary, online and print magazine that I founded and produce, we have some lovely art along with a wonderful variety of stories and poems that aim to bring reflection and a little lift to us in the midst of disruption. This issue also features the work of three artists: Bonnie Barrett, Geonni Banner, and Robbin Ami Silverberg.
You can see the work on the Star 82 Review website, 8.3.
Or support the magazine and get a print copy at Lulu.
Bonnie Barrett is a calligrapher and typographer and teacher, among other things, and after taking a photo class online where they used alternative processes, she built and made a pinhole camera from a "tea tin, a cardboard box, and an old point and shoot camera all lashed together with duct tape." (Best use of an Amazon box I ever saw.) The images are naturally framed with black, a circle where the photo shows through. They are mysterious and feel like they are from another time or place. See the pinhole photos here. You can read more about her on her old blog here.
Geonni Banner is a multi-disciplinary artist and writer who has created some intriguing works with the use of a scanner and black velvet, I believe. They are photographic variations on the classic still life and seem to have a life of their own. You can see her art here. You can read more about her on her old blog here.
I've known Robbin Ami Silverberg for many years. She's a papermaker, teacher, and book artist in Brooklyn, NY, who shows at Codex and had many exhibitions and created installations. You can see my favorite of her pieces here. A nice tour of her last show, a retrospective, Read Me Like a Book is here.
I hope you enjoy the art and writing in this issue; its special themed section is: "Getaway / Get Away."