Here we are with the third book of Critical Opalescence, once an art-by-mail subscription, now a three-part video! The sandy shore is where our water manifests itself this time: a Southern California beach.
I don't know when I started to do this, but when I am at the water's edge I feel compelled to make a labyrinth. Sometimes it is just sand stirred with my feet, other times I outline the path with collected stones. Perhaps it began when I read and was inspired by a slim book, Earth Mazes (Amazon link) by Alex Champion (author website and direct order). In it he describes mazes and labyrinths and the difference: their history; as symbols and drawings; ways of walking them; and best of all, the garden mazes and labyrinths he has constructed. (Bay Area locals: we have the Lake Merritt Labyrinth in Oakland as a living and public example of one.)
"Ocean" begins with a labyrinth, both in the text and with the first reduction-cut image. Some say one ought to walk the labyrinth with a question and the winding in and out – for it is one continuous path – will conjure an answer. Here, it is a healing beginning, and soon dissolves into the life of the sea and our connection to it, the main focus of this true short story.
Critical Opalescence (Ocean)
For more videos, my YouTube channel is at never mind.
Next up: more animals.