Even a Pillow Gets a Title

Maybe it is the writer in me, but I like titles and think they are important. (I've written about this before here and here.) This project was a little different. Something that isn't normally titled. A friend got a new sofa, a neutral color she called the "throw pillow support system." Of course I had to contribute to the system, so I asked what color pillow she would like. She liked the mauve and gray I had recently dyed, then asked, "Got any orange?" I had not thought to put those colors together, so I took that as a interesting challenge. But it is easier for me to work around a theme, subject, any content at all. I tried out some random patterns, then gave up and took a walk. Ohhhhhh. I see.

Poppy Dreams
14" x 13" (35.5 cm x 33 cm)
Hand-dyed cotton and velvet; Japanese woven cotton; a little dried lavender inside

After piecing the front I had leftovers, so a back, then, changeable, as the mood may strike.

or maybe this is the front.

Two sides: same title.

Tiny pillows, including a tiger and cub pillow, now at nevermindtheart.


Liz A said…
pillows are to quilts as short stories are to novels ... so yes, titles for all make great good sense
Alisa said…
Liz A, I love that analogy.