Star 82 Review 10.2 Is Live Online

I'm a little behind on posting, but Star 82 Review, summer issue 10.2, is ready for you to view. Front cover is a photo I took of a rest area on one of my trips on I-5. It wasn't taken that long ago, maybe a couple of years, but I'm not sure it is there anymore! Immortalized forever now, in any case. Many interesting journeys inside.

Star 82 Review 10.2 is free to read online here.

Or get a print copy to browse at leisure by light of window, lamp, candlelight, flashlight, or moon at Lulu here.

10.2 Contributors

Jeff Armbruster

Veronica Ashenhurst

Lorelei Bacht

Carol Barrett

Micki Blenkush

Simona Carini

Martha Christina

Karen Donovan

Robyn Fisher

Mark Foss

Debbie Hagan

Kalila Holt

Jennifer Lai

Margaret Lloyd

Wendy A. Miller

Shira Musicant

Abhirami S

Daryl Scroggins

Michael G. Smith

Katya Suvorova

Phillip Temples

Diane Webster
