SAQA Spotlight Auction March 26 - April 5

If you like little bursts of color and art, consider checking out the SAQA Spotlight Auction that begins Wednesday, March 26, 2025. SAQA is Studio Art Quilt Associates, to which I donated a small quiltlet, 6" x 8", to the auction. All the pieces are available to view right now.

Having been a member for several years, and having had my art quilts accepted into many global and regional shows, I must say that it is the most organized organization I have ever encountered. The calls for entry are themed and easy to enter. Once accepted to a global show, the artist is only responsible for shipping to one main location; SAQA makes sure the quilts travel to excellent venues, museums and conferences around the world for about three years. The works get seen! And are often sold. For the global shows, each artist gets a beautifully designed, full-color catalogue of the show. And when the tour is over, SAQA ships the quilts back to the artists, postage paid.

So I felt good about donating.

If you are interested in bidding, all the information is at the Spotlight Auction page. You create an account on Handbid, which allows you to mark your favorites, and if you like you can even set a maximum price you are willing to bid so that when bidding ramps up, you don't have to be right there online. They even send you texts, if you want, to let you know how you are doing.

Here's my auction piece again. Blog post about it is here.

Go Fish
